Inflated expectations – the FMCG mirage unmasked

Benjamin Cawthray
May 3, 2023
A unique read on global retail dynamics in FMCG with Worldpanel's most comprehensive Omnichannel study.

The global FMCG industry has expanded more in value in the last three years than it did in the previous eight, but its recent growth is driven entirely by soaring prices.

In the midst of this roller-coaster, channel performances have taken several unexpected twists and turns, with more of the same anticipated to keep us on our toes.


Our study unravels the channel changes and the impact of inflation on the FMCG industry, and more:

  • The checkout challenge: inflation's impact on FMCG growth and the role of the Discounter and e-commerce channels

  • Aisle showdown: Food and Dairy sectors vs. Beverages and Health and Beauty

  • Coping mechanisms shoppers are using to beat the inflationary crush

  • Unexpected growth in the traditional trade channel

  • Regional nuances and consumer preferences driving growth

  • In our latest webinar, we explore where to grow and how to win in a context in which the FMCG industry grew at +4.8% in 2022, almost doubling the +2.5% in 2021. This is our most comprehensive Omnichannel study yet, based on data from across 50 markets, representing 80% of GDP providing a unique picture of retail & shopper dynamics across the globe.

    Watch the webinar and learn how to navigate inflationary pressures, deliver value, and satisfy consumer demands to flourish in the months and years ahead.
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